
Come to join the saturday Party !

Enjoy the Party !

Enjoy here ! get home for free

Welcome.This is our Opensim grid.Enjoy!


  • 23.01.2024 - Bonne Année meilleures voeux.
  • 08.05.2021 - Grid en reconstruction, login ok , nouvelle version en ligne prochainement.
  • 25.05.2020 - Grid online and restarted ! new vehicle available ! Grid en ligne et redémarré !nouveaux vehicules dispo
  • 01.01.2018 - Happy New Year !! Grid is online and restarted ! Bonne Année !! Grid en ligne et redémarré !
  • 23.08.2017 - Upgrade canceled, back to normal. Mis à jour annulé, retour à la normal
  • 18.08.2017 - Important upgrade for the grid, login can have trouble ! IMPORTANTE MIS A JOUR pour la Grid, les connexions peuvent avoir des soucis !
  • 18.06.2017 - Grid online and restarted ! Grid en ligne et redémarré ! 13 jours sans redemarrage avec utilisation quotidenne ;) it's stable
  • 01.01.2017 - Happy New Year !! Grid is online and restarted ! Bonne Année !! Grid en ligne et redémarré ! bientôt l'anniversaire des 1 an de la grid !
  • 23.05.2016 - NEW adress for our website please use fredzgridDOTeu, maintenance grid in progress !
  • 24.04.2016 - Maintenance in progress ! Grid offline !
  • 28.02.2016 - Grid online !
  • 26.02.2016 - Sims var more than 2048 size are disabled for performance stability, thank you :)
  • 30.01.2016 - New website online !.


Welcome on our grid. My name is Fred Commodor i am a virtual gridtrotter.After long time to visit and live on few grid, i decide to open my grid. I hope you will enjoy to come and why not to stay here :)

To join us, please send your username and password to our mail in contact module, we will create your account within 48 hours( we elaborate actually a formulaire connected to our DB but its not ready). When your account is created you can add our grid to your viewer in opensim place, our loginuri :

Theme grid

We dont have a theme, you can build sci-fi or fantasy. you are free here to import , build, live. Our rules is simple : respect other, respect humanity, be a good person and show example to other. All sexual content will be checked here, be sure we will report to authority all perversion. Aliens users are welcome here to build their ambassade. Thank you :)

copyright © 2016-2025

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